Can you think of any commodity that is not only non-perishable, beautiful and timeless, but that has also been valued the world over in practically every single human culture, separately, before these cultures ever came into contact with each other? If you said gold, you would be right on the money. While modern human societies have evolved complex economic systems based on abstractions and arbitrary symbols, gold has held value in almost every advanced culture since ancient times, and while the precious metal may have been overlooked (yet never forgotten) in the recent past, gold is only becoming more relevant and valuable as global currency systems start to collapse. Smart investors are realizing the importance of owning gold.
As history lessons have taught us, paper money runs the risk of inflation and overproduction, but gold holds timeless value in tangible form. There is only a limited amount of gold available, so more can’t just be printed when we’ve run out. This limit could theoretically help stabilize otherwise flailing economies; anyone who owns gold holds unquestionable value. In fact, major world governments have started buying gold to add to their reserves in recent years because the value of gold doesn’t lie. Gold is, and always has been, here to stay.